Thursday, July 16, 2009


Nina - an actress in her 20's; daughter of Marya; ambitious

Marya Stepanova - mother of Nina; Quick-Change Supervisor; "best in the business"

Lena - Marya's assistant; in her late 40's

Ludmilla Nevchenka - prima donna actress; "of a certain age"

Anna - a leading actress with the company, in her young 30's

Sergey Sergeyevich Tarpin - Director of the Kuzlov Theater; in his 60's

Timofey - Sergey's assistant; "martinet", a strict disciplinarian

Nikolai - an actor; middle aged

Boris - box office manager and Procurer; a bear of a man

Sasha - stage electrician; young man in his 20's, possibly 30; Nina's "boyfriend"

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